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Earth Week Bingo

Ready? Set? Go!!!!


In celebration of Earth Day, Peterborough County Stewardship has decided to put together a whole Earth Week Bingo for anyone hoping to stay active with their environmental stewardship during these challenging times. From April 22nd until April 28th try and tackle as many of these activities as you can!


Make sure to tag us on social media (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts below) as you complete these activities so we can share any photos of your results! Anyone that can complete at least one line or more will be entered into our annual draw for a pollinator habitat box so make sure to tag us so we can follow up for your entry information




Additional Resources 

Not sure where to start with some of these? Check out the reference materials we've pulled together to help participants accomplish some of the challenges! (PDF attachment or see below)

Create an iNaturalist account and/or post 5 species observations

  • Sign up online through the iNaturalist website

  • OR download the app on your phone through your service provider app store by searching for “inaturalist”, then follow the appropriate steps to create an account.


Go for a nature walk

  • Ensure that you’ve done your research to determine where it is still permitted to go for nature walks considering COVID-19 closures


Watch a nature documentary

  • If you’re looking for suggestions, check out:

    • Night on Earth – Netflix Documentary Series

    • Planet Earth 1 & 2

    • Blue Planet 1 & 2

    • Jane

    • Chasing Coral

    • Chasing Ice

    • BBC Earth YouTube Channel


Participate in a 2nd Earth Hour

  • Find time with those you live with to turn off all electronics including lights and screens, in order to embrace a 2nd Earth Hour. It’s a great time to play board games or read by candle light.


Learn more about what you can and can’t recycle

  • City of Peterborough has a What Goes Where tool that teaches you how to recycle or dispose of certain items. 

  • There’s also a Waste Sorting Game that you can play to apply your knowledge!


Share this activity with someone who doesn’t know about PCS


Plant a Tree/Shrub or Learn to ID a new plant


Watch a live bird camera on Cornell’s Lab of Ornithology website

  • Go to The Cornell Lab’s “All About Birds – Live Cams” webpage and check out the Live Cams they have for different species including:

    • Barred Owls (eggs are hatching soon!!!)

    • American Kestrels

    • Red-tailed Hawks

    • Northern Royal albatross

    • Bermuda Petrels

    • Hellgate Ospreys

    • Panama Fruit Feeders


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Add new houseplants to your inside forest

  • Do some research on air-purifying plants to add some more greenery to your living areas.

  • If you have furry household companions like dogs and cats make sure to also research potential toxicity of species to avoid accidental harm!


Share a post from an environmental stewardship social media account

  • We could all use some more good news as of late so share exciting research, campaigns, activities, etc. that you see other environmental stewardship organizations posting. Raise awareness!


Donate to or promote a local environmental stewardship organization

  • Donating to environmental stewardship organizations is a great way to help out during times when it may not be possible to provide physical support through volunteering. Some local environmental stewardship organizations you could learn about and consider may include:

  • We also understand that not everyone can donate so another great way to support such organizations is to follow and promote the great work they’re doing!


Start your seeds for the garden

  • If you have a vegetable or other type of garden perhaps now is a great time to start your seeds!

  • Check out this Seed-starting guide and calendar for when to start certain vegetables or plants from seed while indoors


Learn a new bird call

  • Want to learn more about who those beautiful calls belong to while walking along a wetland or within a forest? What better way than to learn the calls for a new bird species!

  • Check out the All About Birds page on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s website. Here you can find web pages for different bird species with sounds clips for different calls. There’s also Bird ID guides and tutorial videos that you can take to help you along your Bird ID journey!


Install a Bird Feeder or Habitat Box on your property

  • This is a great time to do some research about the various wildlife species that live in your area to see if there are any you would like to attract to your property. Installing a habitat box or bird feeder is a great way to promote biodiversity on private land while creating great opportunities to enjoy wildlife.

  • Did you know that Peterborough County Stewardship has an assortment of habitat boxes available online, check them out here!

  • Perhaps you’re someone who enjoys DIY projects, learn how to make habitat boxes from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Nestwatch! It’s important to also do independent research to determine what a species requires for optimum placement of habitat boxes on the landscape to encourage successful use!

  • Learn about different types of Bird Feeders, Food Types, Safe Feeding Environments, Undesirable Deterrents and much more from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s FeederWatch Education Project!


Add anti-collision stickers, cut-outs or decals to your window to reduce bird mortality

  • Each year in Canada, more than 25 million migratory birds die as a direct result of bird-building collision fatalities. You can help to mitigate local biodiversity loss by installing practical solutions that prevent birds from hitting windows and buildings on your property.

  • Check out the FLAP Canada BirdSafe website to learn more about the dangers that windows and buildings possess, the BirdSafe DIY Building Risk Assessment tool, and solutions for your home to make them safe for birds!


Unplug your electronics while not in use

  • This is an easy one! With so many electronics within our homes we often forget to unplug unused devices. Even though some of these devices may not be in use, did you know that if they’re plugged in they’re still consuming “standby” or “vampire” electricity which continues to draw power into the device. Save yourself and the planet some electricity!


Plan a post-COVID19 clean-up event with friends

  • Perhaps somewhere you pass on a regular basis within your community is constantly littered with garbage, maybe this is an opportunity to plan a clean-up event! Find some passionate friends or like-minded people to start planning a post-COVID10 clean-up event!

  • It’s important to check with your local municipality or township about requirements before running an event like this since there may be logistics like waste disposal and health and safety to consider!


Reduce your e-storage and clean up unwanted e-mails and files

  • Have you ever noticed that your e-mail or personal e-filing system is getting a little out-of-hand, messy or too full? Take the opportunity to clean up any unwanted messages/files to make space on your devices.

  • Did you know that e-mails have a MASSIVE carbon footprint due to energy consumption for storage! Below are the average carbon footprints of different e-mails:

    • An average spam e-mail = 0.3 g CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent)

    • A standard e-mail = 4 g CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent)

    • An e-mail with “long and tiresome attachments” = 50 g CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent)

  • An average office worker can be responsible for 0.6 tonnes CO2e annually based on estimated averages.

  • Tips to follow as an individual for improving your e-mail carbon footprint:

    • Reduce the size of emails by lowering the resolution and compressing images and avoid large HTML elements.

    • Regularly clean and maintain mailing lists.

    • Remove any contacts that unsubscribe, and update changed email address immediately.

    • Check your emails thoroughly before sending to ensure they contain all the necessary (and correct) information, to avoid the need for a follow-up email.

    • Link to files or information online rather than adding an attachment.


Start a garden (perhaps for Pollinators!)


Have a No TV Day

  • Challenge yourself to a day of watching no TV! Crazy concept, right? We believe in all of you though and know you can do it! Use the extra time to read more, play board games, exercise, craft, DIY home projects, etc.


Go on a Google Earth exploration field trip to check out somewhere new

  • Check out Google Earth Explore - Voyager to find new places to explore and learn about. From National Parks, crab migrations, cities, inside volcanoes and much more there’s so much to learn!


Make an artistic representation of nature (e.g. Painting, Drawing, Craft, etc.)

  • Embrace your inner artist and unleash that talent through paper, brush, pen, craft, etc. to represent something in nature that inspires you, brings you happiness or that you find truly beautiful. Share your creation with us!


Plan an exciting camping or outdoor adventure trip for post-COVID19!

  • Even though most/if not all outdoor overnight places to adventure like provincial parks, crown land, conservation authority properties, conservation reserves, etc. are closed that doesn’t mean you can’t start planning a trip for post-COVID19!

  • Take the opportunity to research new places that you’ve always wanted to explore and start putting together a plan for your camping trip or adventure!

  • Did you know that in Ontario there are approximately…

    • 343 Provincial Parks

    • 295 Conservation Reserves

    • 500+ Conservation Areas collectively owned and operated by Ontario’s Conservation Authorities

    • 5 National Parks

  • Perhaps your outdoor interests lie outside of Ontario or even Canada, get planning!


This website details the work that has and is being undertaken within Peterborough County to progress the uptake of good land stewardship practices for the benefit of both the private landowner and the community at large. This is only made possible by the commitment and dedication of the members of our board and the private landowners we work with.


Peterborough County Stewardship is one of 46 Stewardship Councils located across the province and focuses on the protection and restoration of natural resources through community support and engagement. 

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